Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Epic GPS Fail!

On Sunday we headed to Lake Powell, Bullfrog Marina.  I don't think I mentioned before, but we bought an RV-specific GPS (Rand McNally) before spring break and had been using it with no trouble. You enter your RV type, measurements, etc., and it routes you around stuff.  Anyhoo, this is one conversation we had part of the way there:

Chuck: Hmm, this shows us getting on a ferry.
Me: What?
Chuck: I don't know why.
Me: Are you sure the campground is on this side of the lake?
Chuck: Yes.
Me: Do they have a ferry big enough for a motorhome?

We finally get to the fee station for the NP (Glen Canyon) and we tell the girl we're going to Bullfrog. She says, "this is Halls Crossing. Bullfrog is 3 1/2 hours away."  But you could literally see it across the lake!  They had an RV Park there, which seemed inviting, but we had reserved a boat at the Bullfrog Marina, and the ferry was closed, so away we went to the other side of the lake.

Finally made it to the right place.  We had to register at the lodge, and it just so happened the US World Cup soccer game was on in the bar.  We went in to catch the end and got to see Dempsey score the go-ahead goal.  Oh, the elation!  Then we were all down when Portugal tied in like the 94th minute.

On to the RV Park.  The lady at the lodge had said we could pick any site that was open.  We tried several before deciding on one.  They weren't very level.  And there were 2 with one tree, and those were both taken.  It was so hot there!  And there were these spiky things that kept sticking in our shoes and feet.  I swear it is worse than stepping on a Lego barefoot.  My dad suggested they might be sand burrs, so I googled that, and that's what it looks like.  I would have at least 10 stuck in each shoe every time I went out.  Oddly, Ellie got one stuck in a pad back in OK, but didn't get any here.  Her paws must be getting tougher.

Got to see a nice sunset
That night we went outside to check out the stars.  Amazing how many are actually there that we can never see in our light polluted part of the world.  We could even see the Milky Way, which someone in our family didn't believe.

On Mon. we went to check out our boat.  Our plan was to get there at 8am.  Of course it was 8:30 or 9. Then it took forever for Chuck in the rental office.  Then we had to wait for an instructor to go over the boat with us, and then she discovered the last renters had not filled it with gas, so we had to go get gas. So, it was closer to 10 when we got out.  We were worried about leaving Ellie in the camper, so we found out we could take her on the boat (for a fee, of course).  We went and had lunch and went back out with her.  Everybody had a great time.  The lake is really cool, with the rock formations.  The temp is actually much cooler out there, too.  Chuck wakeboarded in a slot canyon, and was so excited he couldn't think of the proper word - I informed him he was "stoked," to which Zack added, "yeah, brah."

We turned the boat in early because everyone was tired.  The camper was 86 inside when we got back. It was 98 outside.  The 30amp electric just wasn't cutting it for our 50amp camper.  We had to turn the generator on until sunset.  It was supposed to be 100 the next day, so we decided to bag the extra day there and head to Bryce Canyon.

Zack is actually posing for pics now

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