We headed out about 9:30 this morning (24th) from Bullfrog to Bryce Canyon. The maps on my iPad showed a different route than our GPS had. It definitely looks shorter on paper, but the road looked a little sketchy to me in the atlas (dotted line). But Chuck thought it must be okay since our GPS said to go that way. So, we turned onto it. It was unmarked, but paved, so we thought it would be okay. There were a couple of spots we could have turned around and should have, but we kept going. After making it through a dodgy dip, that was pretty much the point of no return.
See, it doesn't look so bad. |
Chuck decided to scout the 34 miles to the highway in the Jeep and then come back. He met someone along the way who told him we should be able to do it. So, we headed off again - me in front in the Jeep. I would drive a little and wait for them. I never got out of 2nd gear. The washboard was so bad I fishtailed in the Jeep a couple of times.
We had a couple more scary dips and lots more bumps, and then finally I got to a sign that said "Leaving Public Lands". The road was still not paved, but it was much, much better there. Then we finally got to a real road. I've never been so happy to see asphalt. I even sang a little hallelujah. I think we drove like 45 miles on a dirt road. That our GPS is supposed to avoid. At 5-10mph.
We drove to the Visitor Center and went in for a few minutes. I talked to a lady who had just come from Bryce Canyon on the road we were planning on taking. I asked if it was paved, and she was like, "yeah... it's a nice road." But she sounded like she had a little hesitation. It was a paved highway, but it was also marked a scenic road, so we were a little nervous. It certainly turned out to be incredibly scenic, but there were some hairy parts! And one point we were up on the top of a ridge, like really high up, with nothing on either side. Another part was red rocks on both sides, like right next to the lanes.
But we eventually made it here! (about 6:30, I think) Hoping to check out the park tomorrow. I am amazed at how there are such remote places left in this country. We did not have cell service most of the day today. How do these people live? ;-) I told Chuck we are sticking to main roads from now on! And honestly, I will be glad to get out of Utah.
They like to let the cows roam free here. |
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