Friday, June 20, 2014

Oklahoma! (and a bunch of other lyrics I don't remember)

Sat. (6/14) we left Memphis and drove across Arkansas headed to our next stop, Greenleaf State Park near Braggs, OK.  I think it is in the foothills of the Ozarks.  The people there were a little bit rednecky and a lot unfriendly.  Or maybe that was a little bit unfriendly and a lot rednecky.  Chuck found the park on a mt. biking website and wanted to try it out.  The campsite was huge.  We had a big grassy space that the boys played soccer in.  We rode our bikes around the park, did some fishing in a pond (and caught nothing).  Chuck rode part of the trail and then ran into a park ranger.  He seemed surprised Chuck was thinking about riding the other part and told him it was too late to start it that evening.  

Our soccer field at our campsite

So, Chuck got up early the next morning and set out.  Of course it was sprinkling and there was faint thunder rumbling.  He said I should tell the ranger if he wasn't back by 1:30.  Luckily it didn't come to that.  He showed up about 10:50.  But it did storm the entire time he was gone.  And he said he had a lot of hike-a-bike (he swears that is proper mt. bike lingo and the boys laugh every time he uses it.)  He had quite a tick infestation (Happy Father's Day!) which led to tick checks on everyone.  

After everyone was cleaned up and ready to go, we got on the road again.  We didn't have a stop planned beforehand, but Chuck found a campground on Sat. night with my iPad.  It was the Corral Drive-In in Guymon, OK, which is in the panhandle.  Yes, they had an actual Drive-In movie screen with local cars that came and watched.  The campsites were kinda around the perimeter of where the cars park.  The lady had told Chuck the night before that there were two movies, with the box office opening at 7.  We pulled in around 8:30.  It was still like full daylight, so there was no worry of the movie starting anytime soon.  

They had a pizzeria, so Chuck went over and put in an order.  The pizza looked and smelled delicious!  The first movie (How to Train Your Dragon 2) finally started at 9:40, and it was still kinda light out!  The second movie was X-Men: Fast and Future Present.  Zack was the only one who made it through.  I woke up when the credits were rolling and I think it was 1:50am.  The campsites were basically gravel parking spots, but there were full hook-ups, wi-fi, and laundry (Chuck had to wash those nasty bike clothes!), so it was perfect for a quick stopover.  The Drive-In/ RV Park is a perfect idea if you ask me.  It was in a giant, flat field, and this morning we woke up to some crazy wind gusts.  There was a windmill farm next to us, so we figured they get a lot of wind. 

The view from our RV

PS - Oklahoma is just about the flattest place I've ever seen.

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